Mechanical Foam (AFFF) Type Fire Extinguisher

MS Fire Safety Services is an independent fire protection company.

Mechanical foam type fire extinguisher is most effective on class A & B (Flammable and volatile liquid i.e. oil petroleum diesel, points, alcohol etc.) where fast fire knockdown and blanketing effect is essential. Aqueous film forming foam property it is also used in class A fire. It has been used in the extinguisher to foform aqueous film and thick blanket of foam on the preventing re-ignition.

Technical Data Sheet

IS SPECIFICATION 15683 15683 16018
Type of Fire A & B Class A & B Class A & B Class
Extinguishing Type Stored Pressure/Gas Cartridge Stored Pressure/Gas Cartridge Gas Cartridge
Capacity (Ltr.) 6 L 9 L 50 L
Min Effective Discharge % 95 95 95
Min Jet Length (mtr.) 6 6 10
Discharge Time (sec.) More than 13 sec More than 13 sec 60 to 180
Test Pressure (kgf/cm2) 35 35 35
Expellent CO2 Gas Cartridge (gms) IS : 4947 N2 gas / 60 gms Gas Cartridge N2 gas / 60 gms Gas Cartridge 2 kg / 300 gms Gas Cartridge
Operating Method Upright Upright Upright
Caution Not to be used on Electrical fire Not to be used on Electrical fire Not to be used on Electrical fire
Operating Temperature -5ᴼ to 55ᴼ C -5ᴼ to 55ᴼ C -5ᴼ to 55ᴼ C
Fire Rating 2A & 21B 3A & 34B 4A & 34B


Suitable for:
Class A: Wood, Paper, Cloth, Textile, Plastic, Cotton, Jute Etc
Class B: Flammable & Volatile Liquids, Petrol, Diesel, Grease, Paint, Solvent, Vanish etc.